Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

Well, I'm not a fan if you must know. My body isn't a fan anyway. It takes me about a week to adjust so the first couple of days are a bit hard. But I love how it stays light out later. I hate when we fall back in the winter and it is dark so early. But getting up in the dark is worse. Luckily that isn't an issue for me in my life right now, but I bet it'd be a bummer for all those other people. So now the sun is staying out later in the day and the days are growing longer. Spring is just around the corner! I love taking naps on spring days. Heck if you know me you know I love taking naps ANY day! lol I'm a girl who's very fond of her slumber. lol I'm disappointed that the only really good snow I've seen was in California! We've only got about 2 dustings this winter and one day of flurries. The bugs are going to be out in full force come summer. I saw a hornet circling the bird feeder the other day. And it's MARCH! But I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for nice days and just slightly cool nights. I'm ready to not need a winter coat. I'm ready to get out doors and start walking to help the weight loss. I'm down almost 20 pounds! Woo Hoo!!! I need to get my routine back to normal. Breath in the fresh (allergic) air! Smell the flowers. Enjoy the sunshine. I love watching all the birds in Nana's yard. What are you looking forward to this spring?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your weight loss! I wish I was on your band wagon! But, we'll have to wait a few more months for A.J. to arrive and then I will jump on with you! I am cheering you on though! I totally agree with the time change issues. Hope to see you soon!
